
What is Firefox Affiliates?

Firefox Affiliates is a website that allows users to generate links that can be embedded on a website. Affiliates then measures the number of people clicking on these links and logs that data for the user who generated the link.

Administrators of Firefox Affiliates create things called banners, which serve as templates that users generate links from. There are several types of banners:

  • Image banners, which show an image link when embedded.
  • Text banners, which show a text link when embedded.
  • Update banners, which show an image link when embedded. The image shown changes if the user has an up-to-date version of Firefox installed or not.

Banners are organized under categories and subcategories. When you go through the link generation flow, the first step is to choose a category. Within each category is a set of banners to choose from. Once you’ve chosen a banner, you must choose which variation of the banner to use. Variations are all related to the same subject (and thus are part of the same banner), but vary in size, color, and language.

What data does Firefox Affiliates store?

For each link that a user generates, Affiliates stores the number of times someone has followed the link, called link clicks. The number of link clicks per day is stored for the past 90 days from the present. After 90 days, the link click count is aggregated into a single count of the total link clicks for the link since it was created.

In practice, what this means is that per-day link click counts for any link are only available for the past 90 days. If you wanted the total link clicks for a date more than 90 days in the past, you’re out of luck!

The total number link clicks since a link was created is always available, of course.